Monday, January 7, 2013

In the Future...

It's taken me a few days to get around writing my first post of 2013. Some things are still sinking in.

2013. Lawdy. You people do realize that we're now living in the future, right? When I was in high school, we were assigned to write an essay about what our lives would be like in 2013. And the first sentence started with, "In the future, in the year 2013..." 

Think about that for a second. 

I know. That sure warrants a round of holy expletives!

Although, I'm used to confronting my age. For instance, in the late summer of 2009, I walked through Washington Square Park and witnessed all the new freshman moving in to the NYU dorms. I was struck with two frightening realities: 1) It has now been 20 years since I was one of them doing the same exact thing. 2) Most of these students were not yet born when I was doing the same exact thing. 

Never mind weathering the announcements of all the various 20, 30 or 40-something anniversaries of albums and movies I loved growing up. 

So here we are now, in the future. I know you're wondering what I wrote in that essay, how I pictured my life in the future. I am going to disappoint you by saying that I don't remember most of it. And I no longer have it. I only know the year was definitely 2013, and that I mentioned something about having a young son who liked to steer the hovercraft. Ha! on both counts. 

Well, my sixteen year-old self certainly couldn't have foreseen me living alone in Brooklyn with a giant cat and writing about booze, having developed a taste for fresh vegetables and fish, exercising regularly. Man, how I wish I could go back in time and tell her to learn to walk in heels...

But I'm pretty OK with the future so far. Events every single day of last week have served to remind me of all the wonderful people I've chosen to surround myself with, and what they bring to my life. I even got TWO New Year's Eves thanks to friends who decided to throw a re-do party just because. Yeah, we watched the ball drop again and had a midnight toast and everything. I'm so lucky to know people who would do that and invite me to do it with them. Although the next day I was regretting that last Dark n Stormy a little. Well, when in Rhum...

So cheers to the future people! Hovercraft, I hardly need ya. 

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